tel: 01530 222426 email: denise@cadelac.co.uk

Nottingham dog and puppy training, obedience, socialisation and agility classes.
Behaviour counselling, obedience
Education evenings, public talks, demonstrations. Reactive dog specialist. Sheepdog training by appointment. Author of A Dog Behaiourist's Diary and All Six Legs. Creator of Turn and Face technique for reactive and fearful dogs.
Denise McLeod, Author of the Global Hit 'A Dog Behaviorist’s Diary' and 'All Six Legs' speaking about Separation ANXIETY, dog to dog REACTIVITY/AGGRESSION (including discussion and demo of, the Turn and Face technique for reactive, over excited and FEARFUL dogs), Resource GUARDING, EMERGENCY STOP training, Recall Problems, Mouthing, CHEWING.
Plus YOUR questions answered.
There will be also be live demonstration's with Denise's dogs of some of the techniques discussed.
Denise who is commonly recognised as a highly entertaining and enthusiastic speaker, has been working with dogs her whole life. Having trained over 12,000 dogs, done over 1000 behavior consults, she has competed successfully in agility, obedience and sheep dog trials, Denise is now one of the most experienced and well known trainers in the World.
A ‘Not to be missed’ event.
Come and see this fascinating, fun, ‘laugh while you learn’ event.
Cost £10 per person (Accompanied under 16's go free). Places limited to 60 car parking spaces so book early to avoid disappointment. Demonstration dogs only at this event.
Denise is author of the global hit 'A Dog Behaviourist's Diary, speaker and producer of 'It's a Dog's Life DVD', Owner of CaDeLac Dog Training and Behaviour (founded 2001) and founder of the Turn and Face (TAF) technique, for reactive, fearful, aggressive, or over excited dogs.
Please Email denise@cadelac.co.uk
To be held at:
Canine Academy
Tollerton Lane
First Aid Training course
Saturday 23rd November 2019 10am for 4.5 hours,
First Aid training for dog owners, by Rachel Bean (RVN).
Life preserving and saving information for all dog owners.
Rachel is a very experienced Veterinary Nurse and delivers high quality First Aid training for dog owners, using real dogs to practice on and Casper the pretend dog to practice CPR.
The event costs £45 per person and will last for 4.5 hours.
Call Denise on 01530 222426 or email denise@cadelac.co.uk to book your place. LIMITED PLACES, only 4 remaining.
Heelwork Training Workshop
7th May 2017, 1.30pm-4.30pm - next date tbc
Is walking your dog a nightmare?
Is He/She straining at the lead or pulling your arm off?
Are you in danger of being pulled over?
Is your dog injuring his or herself and gasping for breath because of pulling?
Would you like a dog that trots alongside on a loose lead?
Then this workshop is for you and your dog!
This 3 hour session will teach you to understand why your dog pulls on the lead.
We will show you fun and effective ways of getting your dog to walk nicely at your side in a variety of situations.
Using a variety of kind, modern methods, that you and your dog will both enjoy.
At the end of this workshop you will have …..
Significantly Improved your dogs heelwork or you get your money back!
A better relationship with your dog.
A better understanding of your dog and how it learns.
Be familiar with a myriad of different ways to teach pleasant effective heelwork.
Have enjoyed the day and met some lovely people and dogs.
Early booking is recommended for this sought after training event.
Held at
Home of CaDeLac Dog Training
Canine Academy,
Tollerton Lane,
NG12 4GB
Heelwork to Music Workshop with Kath Hardman
Fu Heelwork to Music Workshop with Kath Hardman
Held at CaDeLac Dog Training, Canine Academy, Tollerton, Nottingham
Handler places £50, Spectator £25
Limited places so early booking is advised. Email denise@cadelac.co.uk
2018 date to be confirmed
Group Walks
Held on weekend days. Attendance by appointment only.
Group walks are a great way to educate owners and dogs in dog body language and communication. They are also often used to rehabilitate grumpy or shy dogs