tel: 01530 222426 email:
Nottingham dog and puppy training, obedience, socialisation and agility classes.
Behaviour counselling, obedience
Education evenings, public talks, demonstrations. Reactive dog specialist. Sheepdog training by appointment. Author of A Dog Behaiourist's Diary and All Six Legs. Creator of Turn and Face technique for reactive and fearful dogs.
Recommended Links
CaDeLac's recommended Links
Dog Law
Essential reading for all dog owners in an easy to understand format. Thanks to Allie for providing this site.
Dogs and Livestock
Legal requirements relating to dogs and livestock are complex and are not currently covered by the above website. The document below is very useful. A farmer has the right to shoot your dog if he considers it be worrying, harming or about to harm or worry his sheep. My advice therefore would be, keep your dog on a lead whenever you are around farm animals or livestock.
Excellent hydrotherapy centre based in Lichfield
What you feed your dog is probably the single biggest factor in determining it s health, longevity and you vet bills! Check out the quality of your dog food here.
CaDeLac only recommends services and products it has actually used or is still using.
After extensive product research Denise and most of the CaDeLac team, currently feed Orijen, BARF and/or a mixture of both. Though we have or still would feed all of the foods below.
BARF (Bones and Raw Food)
Many of the top trainers and behaviourists are now feeding BARF, or part BARF diets. There are many advantages to feeding BARF, there are also some serious disadvantages. Before you decide if BARF is for you research it thoroughly. Excellent site!
Raw Food Supplier
Excellent supplier of raw foods
Puppy Farming
Make sure you research the background of your puppy - Please don't encourage puppy farming
If you like reading this is a great site for book reviews